Linking Epics to Goals

Key Benefits

Leveraging our Jira integration you can receive a daily digest of recent transitions in Jira linked to and summarized by business objectives.

Linking epics from the dashboard

When the Jira Digest is generated, any new epics that are encountered will appear on your Dashboard allowing you to quickly link them to a new or existing goal.

Syncing from the dashboard

When you ‘Sync’ from the dashboard will try and find any new epics that have been created or updated within the last 24 hours.

When you’re viewing a goal, you’ll have a new tab ‘Jira Epics & Issues’ which will allow you to view a summary of all the epics linked to that goal.

You will also be able to add epics to the goal in bulk by entering a comma-separated list of issue IDs from Jira.

The finished result

Once you’ve completed this guide, and linked epics to goals, you will start receiving daily Jira Digests that look like this:

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